How to approach and deal with insomnia

Could stress be keeping you awake at night? Are you stressed over your job, relationship? Finances or other stressors giving you insomnia? You are not alone here. Sleep researchers mostly agree that insomnia prevalence statistics do vary due to the criteria that are used to define insomnia. Insomnia can be in the form of finding it hard to fall asleep, difficulty staying asleep or trouble to fall into the deep mode of sleep. Insomnia can be so severe for some people that it disrupts there daily activities. The new diagnostic criteria for insomnia has linked depression, anxiety and insomnia altogether. Insomnia isn’t always caused by stress; however, it is the most common cause.
Sleep is crucial for your general health, and if you are not getting enough, it can affect your life in different ways. You can feel more emotional, mentally slower, both of which can exacerbate your stress experiences. Dealing with insomnia can cause stress, as well. If your insomnia is stress-related, then being overtired and irritated won’t help solve the problem. Establishing a good bedtime routine such as putting on relaxing music and slipping in to silk pajamas can help calm your nerves ready for sleeping. Below are further ways that can help you deal with insomnia.
Muscle relation
If you have tension within your body, then you are not going to be able to sleep. People don’t often realise that when they are stressed, their bodies become tense and they don’t even know it. Progressive muscle relaxation is an evidence-based treatment that can help to destress the body and help you to deal with it more effectively. You could always consider having supplements that could help with your sleep such as magnesium, vitamin tablets, muscle relaxants, etc.
If you are finding you are waking up often during the night because you cannot stop thinking about a specific thing that is causing you stress, then journaling may be a way to deal with the stress and help with insomnia. The act of journaling has many stress and health management benefits to it. Journaling can help you to process the intense emotions and to clear your mind so you can sleep better. Try brainstorming and constructing plans that can help you to manage the situations that are creating stress.

Working through your stress
If you are losing sleep due to worrying about things, then you need to go back and look at a new perspective. The anxiety that is preventing you from sleep is a natural response to the situations that are requiring action. Try looking at your current situation as a challenge to test you rather than a threat. This can help you to get into a more decision-making active role rather than remaining passive and anxious.
Step back and consider the situation from another angle which can help you to see the missed opportunities. Things like cognitive restructuring can help you to change your perspective when it comes to stressful situations.
Time to take the pressure off your sleep
When you are losing sleep often when bedtime comes around, you become stressed. If you have reached this moment, then you need to try a few things to take the stress off your insomnia. If you are having trouble with your sleep, then don’t just lay there and become frustrated, get up and do something, if you feel rest is a long way away for you. Don’t watch the clock this causes stress and irritation instead of going off and doing something which will make you more in command of the time as you are occupied with other activities. Most people prefer to use sleep spray right before going to sleep which helps relax you. Others try silk sleepmasks which can calm you by shutting out any light, and can trigger to your brain that it is time sleep time.
Another good thing to do which is using the bedroom solely for sleep. This will allow your mind to associate your bed with sleep. Avoid caffeine during the day and evening.
Don’t suffer alone
If you are suffering insomnia, seek help. Many insomnia sufferers do not seek help. Many interventions can help you to deal with insomnia like medication and cognitive behavioural therapy. There are options for you.